Old school photographic magic in an ephemeral digital world.

Traditional, everlasting portraiture for the special people in your life.
Based in Hobart, Tasmania since 2016.

Tintype Portraits

Sit for your tintype portrait or arrange one for someone you care about. A unique and everlasting portrait that is the antithesis of the modern and ephemeral digital photograph. 

Guaranteed A.I. free!  (you cannot say that about most photographs anymore.)

A short doco about my tintype portraiture.

Made by Lara van Raay of Small World Documentaries.


Learn the secrets of analogue photography from yesteryear with individual tuition by tintype master Phillip England.

Heirloom Tintypes

Using my specially developed method I turn your cherished family photographs into tintypes: unique, permanent & even more precious.

Why tintypes?

Collodion tintype photography, invented in the 1850s and commonly used for portraiture until the end of the 19th century, involves exposing blackened metal plates coated with photographic emulsion in a large format bellows camera. Each tintype is a unique, permanent, one of a kind image object, with no intermediate negative or file used in its production. Tintypes exemplify a return to hand crafted image making. Their beguiling materiality is rarely encountered in modern photography.

Why black & white?

Someone wisely once said “When you photograph someone in colour you are photographing their clothes. When you photograph someone in black & white you are photographing their souls.”

Some of our classics...

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